Wage matters
FLM's collective wage agreements and salary ranges
Here you can find collective wage agreements that members can use, as well as information about services provided by FLM in case of disputes with an employer, or a statement of claim made into a bankruptcy estate.
Collective agreements
Collective agreement between Félags Lykilmanna (FLM) and the Confederation of Icelandic Enterprises (Samtök atvinnulífsins / SA)
Below you can find the collective agreement between FLM and SA. This agreement dates from September 1, 2021, and is ongoing.
Collective agreement between the FLM and the Association of Employers (FA)
Below you can find the collective agreement between FLM and FA. The agreement dates from September 2018 and is ongoing.
FLM Model Wage Agreement
FLM’s collective agreements with the SA and the FA have replaced the FLM’s Model Wage Agreement. The FLM model wage agreement from January 1, 2014, only applies if referred to in older employment contracts.
Holiday and December bonus
The holiday bonus is fixed at 56.000 ISK for the year 2023 for a full-time job. Taxes, membership fees, payment to the pension fund and other relevant payments will be subtracted. Holidays are not paid on top of the holiday bonus.
The December bonus is fixed at 103.000 ISK for the year 2023 for a full-time job. Taxes, membership fees, payment to the pension fund and other relevant payments will be subtracted. Holidays are not paid on top of the holiday bonus.
FLM's wage range
Statement claim due to employer’s bankruptcy
Members can contact FLM for assistance with proof of claim due to their employer’s bankruptcy. If requested, FLM will send claims to the bankrupted estate and to the Wages Guarantee Fund (Ábyrgðarsjóður launa). This can be requested by contacting the compensation department at kjarasvid@flm.is with the following information:
- Member’s name and Icelandic ID number (kennitala), job title, cell phone number and email address.
- Employer’s name and ID number (kennitala), and when the member concerned started working there.
- A copy of the employment contract, the last six payslips and other relevant information to the calculation of the claim, e.g. unused holiday days or other benefits not specified in the employment contract.
- Whether the member was on the company’s board, a shareholder, or manager.
- Whether the member is close to the company’s representatives.
Due to FLM’s low membership fee, it should be noted that each member can only receive three hours of work by a lawyer per membership year. If further support is requested, it must be submitted to FLM’s board.
Disputes with employers
Members can contact FLM regarding issues related to disputes with their employer.
If that is the case, please contact kjarasvid@flm.is with a detailed description of the situation and circumstances.
Due to FLM’s low membership fee, it should be noted that each member can only receive three hours of work by an expert per membership year. If further support is requested, it must be submitted to FLM’s board.

I have life insurance and salary insurance for myself, along with 6 months' salary benefits due to children's illness for only 0.05% membership fee at FLM.
Ásta María Harðardóttir
-Operations Manager at kvikmyndahús Senu
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Skráðu þig hér
Að skrá sig í FLM er ódýr kostur, aðeins 0.05 % mánaðarlegt félagsgjald sem greiðist af launþega og 1% sjúkrasjóðsgjald sem greiðist af vinnuveitenda.
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