Frequently Asked Questions
Information for members
Here you can find general information regarding members of FLM.
Which wage agreement applies to the insured member?
Members of FLM are insured according to the provisions of the collective agreement (wage agreement) referred to in their employment contract.
FLM has a collective agreement with the Confederation of Icelandic Enterprise (SA), and members who are employees of companies within the SA network can therefore specify said collective agreement in their employment contract.
FLM also has a collective agreement with the Association of Employers (FA), and members who are employees of companies within the FA’s network can therefore specify said collective agreement in their employment contract.
If a member is already insured elsewhere, will that influence the payment of benefits?
This will not affect the payment of salary benefits, death benefits, or illness benefits if the member currently has life insurance, illness insurance, or salary insurance in place elsewhere.
What is income protection?
The income protection is a trademark under FLM and is intended to describe the insurance coverage of the FLM health fund.
Who is the FLM primarily suitable to?
To professionals and managers who would like to stay out of traditional unions / remain non-union members. Regardless, anyone is welcome to join. FLM is very suitable for those who negotiate their own wages and working conditions.
Once I become a member, do I have to notify my employer or will FLM take care of that?
Once we receive an application, we will confirm your membership and send a notification to employers. It is however beneficial for new members to also inform their employers about their membership in FLM.
What is the total contribution for employers to FLM?
Employers only pay 1,0% of the member’s average annual salary to FLM’s health fund. No further contributions are requested or necessary.
What is the annual membership fee if the monthly salary is, for example, 500.000 a month?
The membership fee is only 0,05% of monthly income. If a member earns 500.000 ISK a month, their annual membership fee will amount to only 3.000 ISK.
Do risk assessments need to take place for FLM's illness and life insurance?
No, a signed application (consent) is all that is required.
When does the membership take effect?
The membership becomes active at 00:00 the day after the application is received.
What do I have to do to become a member?
All you have to do is sign up here.
Why should I become a member of FLM?
Anyone who is a non-union member should join FLM. The union compensates for the loss of income that occurs between the end of the member’s sick leave from their employer, and the start of the disability benefits from their pension fund. This period can last up to nine months and in some cases even longer. During this time, Tryggingastofnun (Social Insurance Administration) pays the affected employee (non-union employees) only 40.000 ISK a month.

“I didn’t belong to a union, but I didn’t feel good about not being covered in case I got ill. I chose FLM as I hadn’t chosen a union and couldn’t decide which union I wanted to join, or if I should join a union at all, but I wanted to get insured as soon as possible”.
Ingibjörg Edda Snorradóttir
-Software Specialist at Advania
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Að skrá sig í FLM er ódýr kostur, aðeins 0.05 % mánaðarlegt félagsgjald sem greiðist af launþega og 1% sjúkrasjóðsgjald sem greiðist af vinnuveitenda.
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