FLM Sickness Fund from November 1

See your benefits in the FLM sickness fund from November 1

By entering age and monthly salary below, information about benefits in salary insurance, life insurance, sickness insurance, and health insurance from the FLM sickness fund can be obtained.

This does not constitute a personal summary of a member’s insurance coverage. The specified information about benefits has no legal significance and serves solely the purpose of providing general information about possible benefits from the FLM sickness fund based on age and monthly salary.

Calculate your benefits

0 kr. per month for up to 9 months for a member (however, benefits are not paid for the first 3 months of incapacity for work)
  • General: The condition for entry into FLM is that a membership application has been signed and submitted to the association. The minimum age for entry into FLM is 18 years. The maximum age for entry into FLM is 64 years.
    If more than 90 days elapse between premium payments for a member's membership, their right to benefits from the FLM sickness fund is forfeited. The protection of salary insurance, life insurance, and accident insurance from FLM expires at the end of the year in which the member reaches the age of 66. The protection of FLM's illness insurance expires when the member turns 60 years old (based on the birthday).
    The protection of sickness insurance expires when the member turns 60 years old.
  • Insurance conditions: In order for members to be eligible for life, critical illness, sickness or accident insurance, they must have made payments of at least ISK24.000 to FLM over the previous 12 months. This amount changes annually based on the wage index (base rate 1010.0 points in August 2024). If the insured member has been in FLM less then 12 months, the minimum payment is calculated proportionally.
  • Salary insurance for accidents and sickness of children: Salary compensation is paid for up to 6 months for accidents and sickness of a member's children under the age of 16 (however, benefits are not paid for the first 30 days).
  • Critical illness insurance for each member's child: Critical illness insurance is valid for children of members from the age of 3 months to 18 years. See the terms and conditions of the illness insurance for more details.
  • Sickness insurance: Benefits are not paid for a sickness that first showed symptoms within the first three months after the membership in the Key Personnel Association took effect. No disability benefits are paid if disability is assessed at less than 25%. If a member has received benefits from FLM's sickness insurance for the same sickness or is entitled to such benefits, the benefits from the sickness insurance shall be reduced by an amount equal to half of the benefits of the sickness insurance. In sickness insurance, the upper and lower benefit limits are based on evaluated long-term disability of 100%. See the terms and conditions of the sickness insurance for more details.
  • Accident insurance: Benefits are not paid for accidents that took place before the insurance took effect or before the insured party became a member of FLM. Benefits are not paid for accidents if legally required automobile insurance covers the accident, either the accident or liability insurance of the driver or the vehicle's owner. If the insured has received benefits from the FLM sickness insurance because of the same accident, or has right to such benefits, the benefits from the accident insurance shall be reduced by half the amount of the benefits from the illness insurance. In accident insurance, the upper and lower benefit limits are based on evaluated long-term disability of 100%. See the terms and conditions of the accident insurance for more details.

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Að skrá sig í FLM er ódýr kostur, aðeins 0.05 % mánaðarlegt félagsgjald sem greiðist af  launþega og 1% sjúkrasjóðsgjald sem greiðist af vinnuveitenda.

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