FLM Sickness Fund from November 1
See your benefits in the FLM sickness fund from November 1
By entering age and monthly salary below, information about benefits in salary insurance, life insurance, sickness insurance, and health insurance from the FLM sickness fund can be obtained.
This does not constitute a personal summary of a member’s insurance coverage. The specified information about benefits has no legal significance and serves solely the purpose of providing general information about possible benefits from the FLM sickness fund based on age and monthly salary.
Calculate your benefits
Aðild að félaginu
Skráðu þig hér
Að skrá sig í FLM er ódýr kostur, aðeins 0.05 % mánaðarlegt félagsgjald sem greiðist af launþega og 1% sjúkrasjóðsgjald sem greiðist af vinnuveitenda.
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